Friday, June 24, 2016

Things that tickle my funnybone

Scenario 1:
I came home from clinical rotations the other day to find my five month old lying on her back on our bed with my husband leaning over her.

“What’s up, babe?” I asked as I breezed into the room.

“Watch this,” he whispered.

I looked over to see Raedyn combing carefully through his beard with both hands—very gently, with a look of intense concentration on her little face.

“She does this for like an hour every day,” Jon confessed. “I’m kind of afraid to shave—what if she doesn’t love me anymore?!”

Ah, babies. They learn so early on how to train their big humans…

Scenario 2:
A good number of my clinical rotations involve rounding in nursing homes to assess the health of some completely adorable and yet surprisingly feisty little grandmas and grandpas. Sometimes nursing homes are like having a front-row seat to a bunch of adult sized kindergarteners and their drama.

There is one duo in particular who crack me up on a regular basis. Resident A in this room has very severe dementia, and very little of what she says makes any sense. She asks a lot of questions, but doesn’t remember what she said 30 seconds ago anyway, so she’s easily redirected.

Resident B in this room is significantly more alert and oriented—she tells me frequently with smug satisfaction that she still “has all her marbles.” (Although she tells me this SO frequently that I’m beginning to wonder if some of those marbles might not be rolling away.)

Resident B is greatly annoyed by what she terms the “gibbering idiot” of a roommate that she is forced to put up with, but her way of handling it is what cracks me up.

You see, Resident A will frequently lie in her bed during naptime or at night and ask very loudly, “God? God, is that you?!”

At which point, Resident B will holler from behind the curtain that divides their room: “This is God! Shut up!”

And Resident A will look amazed that she has just been visited by the Divine Himself. Her little mouth drops open a few centimeters, and then she says, “Oh! Thank you, God!”

At which point Resident B chuckles like a naughty little school girl and goes back to watching her television in relative peace.

Oh. My. Goodness. I about died the first time I heard this interchange. But staff assure me that it occurs not infrequently…