Saturday, October 4, 2008

The "New Look"?

Some of us got a bit bored with our old hairstyles and our natural haircolor by the end of this week, and since we have so many options available to us in America, we decided that while there may come a day when the courage of men fails, and we break all ties with hairstylists, today is not that day. Today, we change. And here are the results, which I sincerely hope are not permanently traumatizing to any of you, my dear viewers:

I think we were going for the emo/homeless punk look here...

And this would have been...a Weird Al Yankovic impersonation, perhaps?

Josiah as...Blondie? He wasn't crazy about this 'do.

Our history class is studying the '60s, so this one seemed fitting, somehow.

And this one was...just because we love each other.

So there you have it...Saturday night at the Beatys...minus one brother, who was sensibly occupied the entire time reading Grimm's Fairytales. Go Seth! A very sensible chappy, that.


Unknown said...

oh. my. goodness. lol. just a little more red, Thea, and that last one would look like about .5 the people in Europe. lol. The afro actually works for Josiah. in an odd American highschooler kind of way. Emo is SO not working for Trevor, though. Gimme back my blond brother!

Pam said...

I do think this works! True confession: Dr. Lang and I also did this way back in 1984 and took pictures. It is quite scary. Can I guess.... Good Will? Deja vu!