They say that more is caught than taught.
Having early grasped and understood this important concept, my three younger brothers decided to invest some quality time in the process of teaching Nephew Brock music appreciation and fashion sense today while I was at work...the poor child.

It started out, as always, with the innocent victim sitting unsuspectingly in the armchair with an elfish expression on his cute face... which point, Unc Trevor whisks the little man away to the piano, and shows him the fine art of banging the ivories...the harder the better...

...sometimes it's better to put your WHOLE body into things. At least, as much of it as you can fit up there... Camera. Shiny. Distracting...

Posing...losing interest in the music enlightenment session...

Time for a class in career options and fashion design! Brock was apparently lovin' the idea...
Career options?

...well, there's always the super cool punk/bum/loser/rabid Brewer's fan thing...

...or the cop thing? They arrest punk losers, I think? But Brock seemed uncertain that this was the career path God had chosen for his life...

...there is also the slightly creepy drugged-up-hippy-having-a-gender-identity-crisis look...but Brock was apparently not so much into that one either? Possibly just because he knew he could never pull it off in quite the same way as a certain uncle of his...

Josiah is now ready to become a member of Mall Security here in Wausau. He'll fit right in.
1 comment:
What a photo-journal! Love it Thea!
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