Now that I'm officially back at Liberty, I feel like I ought to try to do at least some sort of photo review of the summer. Granted, most of the truly life-changing moments that happened during the past three months didn't look like anything special, and there's no pictures to express all that they meant...but some of my teammates were amazing at capturing the Kodak moments that occurred when the team was together on the weekends. A special thanks to Fish Hsu and Jared Yax for sharing these shots!

This is me and Hannah, who was my cheerleader, my pal, my partner in crime, my sister in Christ, and one of my best friends this summer...only at this point, we were newbies who didn't know each other and had no clue what we were going to find out there in Bedford county...
As the summer went on, the people that I had known nothing of in the beginning began to become my friends...

Sharing a moment with Bethany Lake...
I began to realize that I really,
really liked the people on my team. They were stinkin' funny.

I don't remember what I was laughing at in this shot...I just remember that there were lots of laughs any time the team got together.

Several individuals were unfortunate enough to have birthdays while out on the yeah, of COURSE we made them do embarrassing things in front of the whole team.

"Lisa! Over heeeeeerreeee!" Glenn's lucky he still has his nose. Lisa was pretty quick with that stick...and clearly didn't have a real good idea of where that pinata was...
And finally, the last week of our time together, we all took two days to go to Fort Bluff Camp and do some recreational stuff as a team...which was incredible.

Lisa and Adriane discussing something important moments before being launched off the Blob...

Yeah, I'd never done a water slide before...but good grief, I'm from Wisconsin, and it's not hot enough there that you need water slides...up there, we settle for spraying each other with the garden hose.

To be perfectly honest, all of the kids on the team became almost like family to me this summer...we knew each other well enough that sometimes we got on each other's nerves...we knew each other's weaknesses, and we could admire each other's strengths...

...and I think that's why I came to love each one of them almost like siblings.
I'm gonna miss each and every one of them in a different way, but I'm so grateful that God gives us incredible things even when we don't know exactly what we want...that He uses others to fill the needs of our hearts even before we're aware of what those needs really are.
The relationships that I've formed this summer with my teammates are some of the best friendships that I've ever had, and I've been incredibly blessed to be able to serve out there on the field with each one of them. :-)