Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weekends in Lynchburg...

This post is dedicated to my parents, on the odd chance that they might someday suffer from a fit of morbid curiosity and wonder what on earth their firstborn daughter is doing with her time these days.

This is my bookshelf. It is filled with my best friends. We spend LOTS of time together every day. These friends are inanimate, which is both good and bad...good in that they don't talk back, and thus I'm hopefully not picking up bad manners from them, but bad in that they have no personality whatsoever, which gets rather tiresome when you try to hold a conversation with one (something I've been doing more often of late, I confess).

This bed. I make it a point to try to use it every night, unless I need to spend more time with my best friends.

This is my desk. This is where my friends and I mostly hang out, although occasionally we take a fieldtrip to the library. It's very exciting there too.

This is me, with one of my best friends. He's a beeg beeg one, who hopefully will impart prodigious amounts of valuable information to my sadly unedumacated head. (His name is Theo, because he's a theology textbook).

I'm weekend? I'm gonna actually leave my room.

Life is about what you believe, right? Of course right. And next week, I believe I will be so organized that I will have no homework to do on Saturday. It will be amazing. I shall be free to do something interesting like...go get a job. Ooo, that would be both fascinating and lucrative...I can hardly wait.


KiltedAnglican said...

you have an ESV study bible...I'm jealous.

Thea said...

LOL! Scott, I'm mystified as to how you could discern THAT from any of these pictures...but yes, be jealous. It's amazing. :-)