You know how sometimes you feel completely overwhelmed thinking that there just isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done that you have to do? And you start to mildly freak out in a major way, only very quietly, on the inside, where no one can see?
Yeah. Story of my life for the past…semester. But what I realized is that…it seems like, the more you have to do, the more you get done. So maybe what I really need to do is…add more to my to-do list.
So I think I’m going to go and get two full-time jobs. And maybe a part-time one too. And then I’ll be a full-time full-time part-time employee who’s also a full-time student. So hopefully, I’ll get a lot more done. Which would be awesome. Then I would feel like the silent freak-out parties in my head weren’t such a waste of time.

Yeah. And the cool thing is, the more coffee I drink, the more this whole idea makes sense. Coffee is this wonderful, mind-clearing substance that gives you marvelous new perspective on life. Super duper thankful to What’s-His-Face for deciding it was non-toxic and therefore could be consumed adults too (since children were probably drinking it for years before their parents caught on).
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