Yesterday evening, as I was flitting down to the second floor of one of the main campus buildings in search of coffee creamer, I came across a cozy little corner filled with mischievously-grinning college students. Two of them were personal friends, and so I felt license to ask them why precisely they were all wearing the I've-got-an-inside-joke grin as they sat around laughing knowingly.
"Well, we were just wondering if you were homeschooled...or if you're a homeschooler," piped up one bright-eyed little sophomore named Ian.
"Um, what?"
"Yeah. There's a difference. Here. You need to see this."
At which point, all of us (because apparently everyone in this little group had been homeschooled), crowded around somebody's laptop to watch this video...which I found amusing enough to share.
1 comment:
Those were little brave sophomore boys to ask you if you were Homeschooled? I would have been taken back by that question since I went to private school all my life and have friends who were Homeschooled. But I never had to experience staying at home to go to school. So I really don't know what they would really see from my viewpoint. This is like going to Liberty University and thinking that everyone that goes here is Christian to find out that some are not and you ponder why did I not know this? Also what can I do to lead them to Christ before it is too late... Questions always ponder my mind about these matters and the people I communicate with each day.
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