Christmas is such a joyful occasion that many people sincerely feel it should be celebrated more than once per year! We love those types of people! Much celebration ensued in the Beaty abode upon receiving the following delightfully witty invitation:
‘Twas 6 months, 7 days and 12 hours before Christmas, and all through the house,
all the creatures were stirring, all the way down to the very last little mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
Anticipating that the Beatys soon would be there.
The boys were anticipating the pie contest with dread,
While visions of a sugar buzz danced in mom’s head.
With mama in the kitchen, and I in a snap
Burned the turkey which then rolled into my lap.
Then from the front lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the floor to see what was the matter,
Away to the door I flew like a flash!
Tore open the door and took off my sash
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But six very tall Beatys in a miniature sedan.
What a hoot! The visions of a sugar buzz which danced in Mom's head were certainly realized during the course of our Tuesday night escapade, but I think all participants would agree that the evening was worth any amount of whacked-out blood sugar counts.
The guys were volunteered to do the baking, while the ladies were assigned the role of judging.

The judges: Thea, Mrs. Beaty, Kirsten, Mrs. Flage, Sari, Deanna, and Grace

Sari, our lovely young pie-bearer, whose help in fetching pies was greatly appreciated.

Joel with his mouth-watering blueberry masterpiece...

Tommy with his keylime pie, which had recently undergone a traumatic near-death experience which involved gravity, vents, and the floor...however, the aforementioned unfortunate event was immediately followed by a miraculous resurrection and rapid recovery, much to everyone's delight...

Danny was a little bit more demure. Such a gracious little man!

This judge was very intent on making sure that none of the finest details of pie-tasting were overlooked. We appreciated her objectivity!

Filling out the ballots turned out to be a little more involved than many amazing culinary creations to be considered! Good job, guys!

Consultation was definitely called for under the circumstances...

Not precisely sure what the story is behind this one, but it looks like some serious stuff was going on in the other room while the judges were occupied...

Andrew was ready for the taste-testing to begin...

Tommy trying to convince Andrew that eating whipped cream straight from the can is indeed a manly activity, and one that every tot should master...

If mouth level doesn't work, then bring the can in from the top...Tommy's ingenious, as we knew all along...

Yeah, nope. Don't think so. No whipped cream for this little pumpkin! "No, Tommy! Dat's yucky!"

Aaron was very much enjoying the whole pie-sampling experience.

I think the glasses were so smudgy by this point that his vision was probably nearly as good with eyes shut as with eyes open...what an adorable little fellow!

Pie tasting soon gave way to an intense game of Cranium.

Guys against girls...bring it on.

Go Ladies!

Cranium was quickly abandoned in favor of dancing after Deanna graciously offered to teach us all the Virginia Reel, and the next hour and half was spent working up a healthy glow sashaying up and down in the living room...photographic evidence is unfortunately lacking, but I'll post videos as soon as possible.
Many hearty thanks to the Flages for their hospitality! What a sweet time of making memories!
LOL! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! How fun!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! It's a dose of home!! Pictures are worth MILLIONS of words--at least those are! Wow. Love the pictures of my little boys, and the scary one of Mark--oh, I miss you all!!
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