Monday, August 24, 2009

Today was officially the last day before classes start for the fall semester! We're not sure if we're ready, but ready or not, here we come.

These two beautiful young women beside me in the photo below are my roommates, as we appeared two nights ago on an emergency ice-cream run to Coldstone at midnight: Gabriella, from Argentina, and Gina, from New York. What a hoot! I'm so blessed to have these two as my housemates for the next several months!

Gabriella and Gina again--amazing smiles, amazing women!
Shortly before our impromptu photo session, we were amusing ourselves by launching ice cubes across the parking lot with our, I was amusing myself. They were watching, and pretending I was mentally stable, which was nice of them.
You know how those nifty round ice cubes that you get in an iced coffee from Coldstone have holes in the middle? Yeah. They do. And if you stick a drinking straw through the hole, and flick your wrist just right, you can really make those ice cubes fly.
However, when I launched my last one, it landed next to a yellow jeep which was parked some 30 feet away from us. At the precise moment that my icecube hit the pavement beside the left front tire, all of its lights started flashing like crazy, and it started making odd grunting sounds, as though having some sort of gastrointestinal difficulties which are apparently experienced only by jeeps.
Gabby and Gina's jaws hit the pavement, and I confess I was more than a little flabbergasted myself. Seriously? An ice cube sets off that thing's security alarms?!
It was then that we noticed the portly little man emerging from the shadows, wielding an ice cream cone in one pudgy hand and a car remote in the other...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

HaHa!! That's too funny. Love the pics -- looks like you are having a blast. So glad! Hope your week is off to a good start.