Sometimes, in the craziness of daily life, the confusion of the inner struggle becomes a dull roar, and the voice of reason and truth becomes very difficult to hear in the midst of the chaos. Today I had to ask myself why it is that, knowing all that we know, we still wrestle with and fight against the truth that God brings to our attention. Why is it often times so difficult to submit to and be changed by what we know to be right?
Perhaps because we so quickly forget that to refuse to submit to God's draw on our lives is infinitely more painful and significantly less profitable in the long run. Perhaps because I lose sight of who it is that I'm serving...or where it is that my focus must be consistently fixed.
Today, I am reminded again of how blessed I am to have mentors in my life who point out to me the areas in which I'm refusing to submit to the truth of what I know, the ways in which I'm not being consistent to the worldview I claim to espouse...
As I ponder tonight, I realize yet again that while truth is sometimes painful, it is also healing, purifying, and helpful.
Kinda like that grape-flavored cough/cold medicine that my parents used to give us when we had stuffy noses...tastes disgusting at the time, but helpful later on...yeah. Perspective. Very important thing in life. ;-)
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