Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Guys, I’ll be perfectly honest: on a scale of one to Martha Stewart for housekeeping prowess? I’m pretty close to a one most of the time. Some weeks zero. As in, zero vacuuming happening, zero dusting, very close to zero organizing, and only the bare minimum of dishes and laundry being done.

Particularly since this little chunk joined us, but I can't really use her for an excuse on this one, because, let's be real, I was a pretty not-so-great housekeeper even before she came. (Becoming the next Martha Stewart is on my list of things to do before I die, but so far, I'm a little behind on that goal).

Dustbunnies are the bane of my existence--like, seriously, WHERE do they come from? And how do they get together and make dustbunny babies SO ridiculously fast?!

But I kind of felt like I had reached a new all-time low when I walked into the kitchen this morning and found my dog walking around licking the floor.

Um, dog? Rude. Very rude.

Honestly, I really didn’t think the floor was THAT bad, but clearly homework has displaced housework for long enough. Mop time it is...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah. Cleaning is never done so it's beat just to go out lol